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      School Play!

      Peppa's playgroup are

      going to put on a play.

      The Little Red Riding Hood.


      All the children have

      parts in the play.

      They have to practice at home.

      Peppa is going to be the

      Little Red Riding Hood.

      Mummy Pig has

      made her costume.

      Daddy Pig is helping

      Peppa practice.

      Okay, Peppa, what do you say?

      I'm Little Red Riding Hood.

      Very good. Then what?


      I'm going to visit my grandma!"

      I'm going to visit my grandma!

      Bravo, Peppa.

      Danny Dog is going to play

      the Big Bad Wolf.

      Woof Woof!

      Granddad Dog and Mummy Dog

      are helping him practice.

      I'm the Big Bad Wolf.

      Try not to laugh, Danny.

      You should be a bit scarier.

      Try it like this, Danny.

      I'm the Big Bad Wolf!

      I'm going to eat you all up!


      You see?

      Yes! That was really scary!

      Pedro Pony is going to play the Hunter.

      He will rescue Peppa

      from the Big Bad Wolf.

      Um. I'm the Hunter...


      Pedro is a bit shy.

      Neigh, you say,

      "I'm going to chase you away,

      you Big Bad Wolf!"

      Um. Go away, naughty wolf.

      Very good, Pedro.

      Rebecca Rabbit is going

      to be the Grandma.

      What do I say, Mummy?

      Lets' see.

      At the start of the play,

      you get locked in a

      cupboard by the Big Bad Wolf.

      Then, right at the end of the play,

      you are rescued by the Hunter.

      And you say, "Thank you."

      Thank you.

      Very good, Rebecca.

      Everyone has come

      to see the school play!

      Ladies and gentlemen,

      welcome to our play,

      "The Little Red Riding Hood".

      First, let us meet the actors!

      Please, please!

      For the sake of the actors,

      no photography, please!

      And now our play begins!

      Grandma is at home.

      But who is this visitor?

      Woof woof! I'm the Big Bad Wolf.

      Well done, Danny!


      Oh, dear. Danny has forgotten

      what he says next.

      Grandma, you must

      go in the cupboard.


      Go in the cupboard!

      The Big Bad Wolf is

      pretending to be Grandma!


      I am Little Red Riding Hood.

      I'm going to visit my grandma.

      Bravo, Peppa!

      Daddy! You must not take photos!

      Oops! Sorry, Peppa!

      Carry on.

      I'm going to visit my grandma.

      Oh. You don't look like my grandma.

      What big eyes you have.

      What big teeth you have.


      You are not Grandma!

      You are the Big Bad Wolf!


      Help! Oh, help!

      But look who is here!

      Just in time! Pedro the Hunter!

      Help! Oh, help!

      Just in time! Pedro the Hunter!

      Pedro is a bit shy.

      Pedro, would you like me

      to come on with you?

      Yes, please.

      You are a very naughty wolf.

      I've saved you, Grandma.


      Thank you.


      Bravo! Bravo!


      Pedro, you were very good.

      You were almost

      as good as me.



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